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January 2024 February 2024 March  2024 April 2024   May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024


Glossary. Selection of poetry and tales.
Aphabetical indexes 2024 (A-J) Alphabetical indexes 2024 (L-Z) Cronological indexes Ge-Gi '24 Cronological indexes  Lu-Di '24


The madness of rationality. 02/03_330_24 Rest assured!. A.I. will not be able to overcome your resistance. 02/03_329_24 Femicides. 02/03_328_24 Consciousness . 02/03_327_24
Let's give another version of the story. 02/03_326_24 Distinguish. 02/03_325_24 Ear worm. 02/03_324_24 Anguish. 02/03_323_24
Love and hate. 01/03_322_24 Buddist monks. 01/03_321_24 Rational function and intuition function. 01/03_320_24 Reality information blindness. 01/03_319_24
I have already written it and I repeat it here. 01/03_318_24 A congruent and consequential transference dream. 01/03_317_24 Scientific knowledge. 01/03_316_24 The visited scientific exhibition. 01/03_315_24
Quantum consciousness. 01/03_314_24 Genetic code. 01/03_313_24 Psychiatric help, 5 cent (by M. Schulz)._01/03_312_24 Evolution and  de-evolution of the human specie. 01/03_311_24
A beautiful dream. 01/03_310_24 Why is this possible?, How could this have happened ?, How did it happen without us noticing?. 01/03_309_24 Ritual amputations. 01/03_308_24 The clash of opposing follies. 01/03_307_24


Alphabetic Index. 2020 (L-Z)  Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Jun '20 Cronolog.Indexes Lug-Dic 20   Alfab. Indexes 2021 (A-J) Alphabetic Index. 2021 (L-Z) Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Mag 2021 Cronolog. Indexes Lug - Dic '21
Alphabetic Index16-19 (A-J) Aphabetic Index16-19 (L-Z) Cronolog.Indexes 2016-2017 Cronolog. Indexes 2018 Cronolog.Indexes  2019