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Glossary. Selection of poetry and tales.
Aphabetical indexes 2024 (A-J) Alphabetical indexes 2024 (L-Z) Cronological indexes Ge-Gi '24 Cronological indexes  Lu-Di '24


Enemy. 27/02_306_24 Information of reality & information of reality. 27/02_305_24 Revenge. 27/02_304_24 Connections. 27/02_303_24
Reflection son cells. 27/02_302_24 The flow. 27/02_301_24 Don't my Cry for Me Argentina. 27/02_300_24 The unchanging horizon. 27/02_299_24
Borges. 26/02_298_24 Choices of conscience,  choises of inhumanity. 26/02_297_24 Offensive and haughty. 26/02_296_24 Growth of the lower functions. 26/02_295_24
Alternative therapies. 26/02_294_24_24 Re-reading the past. 26/02_293_24 Solutions to disaster. 26/02_292_24 Annoyance and tolerance. 26/02_291_24
To ski. 25/02_290_24 Freediving courses. 25/02_289_24 Girls, boys. 25/02_288_24 The path of sounds. 25/02_287_24
Love. 25/02_286_24 To read myths. 25/02_285_24 Rebirth. 25/02_284_24 Scientific knowledge. 25/02_283_24
Addictions. 24/02_282_24 Border line. 24/02_281_24 Domination of the maternal complex. 23/02_280_24 Love. 23/02_279_24
Conflicts. 23/02_278_24 Rumtof. 23/02_277_24 To share knowledge. 23/02_276_24 The Fickle Kitten. 23/02_275_24
Ferocity. 22/02_274_24 Gender dysphoria. 22/02_273_24 Isolationism and maternal complex. 22/02_272_24 Behavioral change. 22/02_271_24
To act is to represent. 22/02_270_24 Stroke and psychotic intrusions. 22/02_269_24 I am sure of some things, and I am not sure of others. 22/02_268_24 The adventurous cat. 22/02_267_24
Self-awareness. 21/02_266_24 After the dream "Reunification".  21/02_265_24 Reunification. 21/02_264_24 "The spirit descende into us and makes us puppets". 21/02_263_24
Lengths. 21/02_262_24 Definition of the inability to understand. 21/02_261_24 Mysterium congiuctionis. 21/02_260_24 Languages. 21/02_259_24
Words, etc.. 20/02_258_24 Quantun tunneling. 20/02_257_24 Touchiness. 20/02_256_24 Ferocious._20/02_255_24
Ambition. 20/02_254_24 Suffering and collateral damage.. 20/02_253_24 A complete process that was concluded in a very short time , but... 20/02_252_24 The story behind the illegal tunnel under the synagogue in New York. 20/02_251_24
Dedicated to all those who are so proud and arrogant of their rational intelligence that it blinds them. 18/02_250_24 Unconscious and consciousness. 18/02_249_24 Who thinks: consciousness or ego?18/02_248_24 Symbolic languages and Gestalt:The strange path of communication. 18/02_247_24
Castration complex. 18/02_246_24 The alien not come from Mars. And it is not even alien. 18/02_245_24 From the side of molecules and electrons of the gene/From the side of biological nature of the same. 18/02_244_24 Intuition Function. 18/02_243_24
====================== Mental Pathologies. 17/02_242_24 The symbol "I" in transference dreams. 17/02_241_24 Child sacrifice in pre-Columbian South American cultures. 17/02_240_24
Action of non-action. 17/02_239_24 Stomach. 17/02_238_24 The limit of possible human knowledge. 17/02_237_24 A non orthodox therapy, very long. 17/02_236_24
Social Network. 16/02_235_24 Israel and Palestin. 15/02_234_24 Trumpism. 15/02_233_24 TV Debates. 15/02_232_24
Grammelot._15/02_231_24 Permutations and  combinations. 15/02_230_24 The Key. 15/02_229_24 Alan Turing and the machine "Enigma". 15/02_228_24
Those with their hands on their knees. 15/02_227_24 When?._15/02_226_24 Being mentally NORMAL. 15/02_225_24 Quantum Physics Interrogations of  Bard(3)_15/02_224_24
Quantum Physics Interrogations of BARD (2)_15/02_223_24 Quantum Physics Interrogations of BARD (1)_15/02_222_24 Hypothesis:Alignement._15/02_221_24 Sequences._15/02_220_24
Gestalt n.2._13/02_219_24 Gestalt n.1._13/02_218_24 Feelings._13/02_217_24 Symbolic referents in reality. 13/02_216_24
Ideologies and mytologies. 13/02_215_24 Revelations._13/02_214_24 She and He._13/02_213_24_ Secret knowledge._13/02_212_24_
Touchiness. 12/02_211_24_ Disease of von Recklinghausen._ 12/02_210_24 Emulating capacity of consciousness._ 12/02_209_24 The blocked evolution._ 12/02_208_24
Transfer._ 12/02_207_24 Mistake._ 12/02_206_24 "Law and order"_ 12/02_205_24 Soybean bugs._ 12/02_204_24
"Workers of the world , unite!"_ 11/02_203_24 Israelis and Palestinians._ 11/02_202_24 Evolved consciousness._ 11/02_201_24 Transference and countertrasference._ 10/02_200_24
Countertrasference._ 10/02_199_24 Sources of information that lead to consciousness._ 10/02_198_24 Learn._ 10/02_197_24 The escape route._ 10/02_196_24
G.._ 09/02_195_24 Surprises never cease!!._ 09/02_194_24 The Argo ship and the golden fleece._ 09/02_193_24 Xenia._ 09/02_192_24
Some hypotheses._ 09/02_191_24 This website and its communication._ 09/02_190_24 Perceptual consciousness, transference and countertransference._ 09/02_189_24 The four towers of Bollingen._ 09/02_188_24
Contempt and hatred._ 08/02_187_24 Solve et coagula._ 08/02_186_24 The Mortar ad Pestle._ 08/02_185_24 To have reserves, to have stocks._ 08/02_184_24
Sometimes it's easy to understand others._ 08/02_183_24 Broadening of experience._ 08/02_182_24 Evolutionary convergence (2)._ 08/02_181_24 Evolutionary convergence (1)._ 08/02_180_24
Hub._ 07/02_179_24 Distinguish._ 07/02_178_24 The Promised Land._ 07/02_177_24 Ear Worm._ 07/02_176_24
Be on the lookout for the wolf._ 07/02_175_24 Nature._ 07/02_174_24 To be Junghian, today. oggi._ 07/02_173_24 The Tower of Babel._ 07/02_172_24
To traslate._ 05/02_171_24 Genetic code._ 06/02_170_24 Neuronal consciousness and  quantum consciousness._ 05/02_169_24 The new adaptation secondary (The Person. 05/02_168_24
Reunification._ 05/02_167_24 The language of sounds and the languages of singns: Love necessary and indispensable._ 05/02_166_24 Colonialism._ 05/02_165_24 Change._ 05/02_164_24
Countertransference._ 04/02_163_24 Insight._ 04/02_162_24 Ideologies._ 04/02_161_24 Preliminaries for a next consciousness awakening._ 04/02_160_24
Potential capacity of consciousness.  04/02_159_24 Mask Museum._ 04/02_158_24 Transference and countertransference._ 04/02_157_24 Cognitive bias._ 04/02_156_24
Reality, time and space._ 02/02_155_24 Stupidity, the impossibility of understanding._ 02/02_154_24 Length._ 03/02_153_24 Delirium or  link deep.?._ 03/02_152_24
The powerful emulation capacity of consciousness._ 03/02_151_24 Ismael._ 02/02_150_24 The foundation stone._ 02/02_149_24 Entelechy. _ 02/02_148_24
Secret Court of the Arcana._ 01/02_147_24 Psychoanalysis._ 01/02_146_24 That which is now clear._ 01/02_145_24 Corrupters and corrupted._ 01/02_144_24
Alphabetic Index. 2020 (L-Z)  Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Jun '20 Cronolog.Indexes Lug-Dic 20   Alfab. Indexes 2021 (A-J) Alphabetic Index. 2021 (L-Z) Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Mag 2021 Cronolog. Indexes Lug - Dic '21
Alphabetic Index16-19 (A-J) Aphabetic Index16-19 (L-Z) Cronolog.Indexes 2016-2017 Cronolog. Indexes 2018 Cronolog.Indexes  2019